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Wealth Management

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Disparity between investor returns vs. fund returns: 10 years ended December 31, 2017

Disparity between investor returns vs. fund returns; 10 years ended December 31, 2017.png

30 year term $1m policy, age 43

30 year term $1m policy, age 43.png

S&P 500 value vs. growth compared to sector performance since 1990

S&P 500 value vs. growth compared to sector performance since 1990.png

Relative performance of value and growth: U.S. equity since 1980

Relative performance of value and growth; U.S. equity.png

Relative performance of U.S. equity and U.S. bonds since 1980

Relative performance of U.S. equity and U.S. bonds since 1980.png

Relative performance of U.S. equity and non-U.S. equity since 1980

Relative performance of U.S. equity and non-U.S. equity since 1980.png

Relative performance of large-cap and small-cap U.S. equity since 1980

Relative performance of large-cap and small-cap U.S. equity since 1980.png

Relative performance of developed and emerging-market equity since 1980

Relative performance of developed and emerging-market equity since 1980.png

Portfolio returns vs. 20-year annualized returns of various asset classes

Portfolio returns vs. 20-year annualized returns of various asset classes.png

Performance comparison of endowments and a traditional 60/40 portfolio

Performance comparison of endowments and a traditional 60-40 portolio.png

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