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Wealth Management

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Inflation steals your savings

Inflation Steals your Savings

 Inflation steals your savings 1.jpg

Future portfolio performance

Long-Term Capital Market Expectations

"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr wrote.

How are your mutual funds and ETF performing?

How Are Your Mutual Funds and ETF Performing?

Ten years ago, on March 9, 2009, U.S. stocks reached a low following the great financial crisis.  

Can you time the market?

Can you time the market?

Building a better financial future

Building Your Financial Future Now (Videos in English and French)

Please find a video (in English) with important financial concepts including savings, retirement planning, tax planning, and investments:

Impact of 1% better returns

A small increase in returns dramatically improve your retirement

Your financial health may be good since the performance of U.S. stocks is excellent (+400% since March 2009), improving your portfolio performance by only 1% can sustain retirement spending an additional 12 more years!

Financial moves to make before the end of the year

15 financial moves to make before the end of the year

It’s almost 2020… do you have a customized financial plan to help you reach your goals and dreams?

Are we headed for a recession? Is your portfolio recession-proof?

Are we headed for a recession? Is your portfolio recession-proof?

Now might be the time to review how recession-proof is your portfolio. 

Have you seen this blog?

Have you seen the new BFM blog?

Tax update for the French

Beaucoup d’entre nous aux Etats-Unis sont en train de préparer les déclarations fiscales. Les informations et liens ci-dessous pourraient vous servir pour rester en règle auprès des gouvernements Américain et Français.

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