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Market Indices vs Pre-Tax and Post-Tax Active Management Performances

Market Indices vs Pre-Tax and Post-Tax Active Management Performances.png

Changes in Asset Allocation for Not Rebalanced Portfolio Since 1973

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Value vs Growth French Stocks Since 1973

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U.S. vs International Stocks Performances Since 1973

U.S. vs International Stocks Performance Since 1973.png

Less Than Half of Stock and Bond Funds Survived Over 15 Years and Even Fewer Outperformed Their Benchmark

Less Than Half of Stock and Bond Funds Survived Over 15 Years and Even Fewer Outperformed Their Benchmark.png

Cycle Returns Since 1973: Commodities Vary Significantly from Stock and Bond Asset Classes

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How much Active Management Is Done by Your Mutual Fund Manager: % of US Equity Mutual Fund Assets by Active Share Since 1990

Percentage of U.S. Equity Mutual Fund Assets by Average Length of Time a Stock has been in the Portfolio

Percentage of U.S. Equity Mutual Fund Assets by Average Length of Time a Stock has been in the Portfolio.png

Emerging Market Currencies vs. U.S. Dollar Since 2006

Emerging Market Currencies vs. U.S. Dollar Since 2006.png

Federal Funds Rates Since 1980 with Rate Hiking Cycles and Market Reaction during Previous Rate Hiking Cycles

Federal Funds Rates Since 1980 with Rate Hiking Cycles and Market Reaction during Previous Rate Hiking Cycles.png

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