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Understanding Behavioral Finance Rationality & Decision Making (Jan. 2011)

I hope you all had a very good holiday season. May 2011 bring you good health and heartfelt happiness.

We decided to start the year by sharing some Behavioral Economics experiments from Professor Ariely from MIT. Behavioral Economics explains how the process of decision making functions among common people. It elaborates on the role of emotions and vision.

See details at

Investor's Performance (Nov. 2010)

Dalbar Research Institute shows that investor’s performance does not equal investment performance. They found the following annualized returns for investors from 1987 to 2006 (similar results are found for different time period)


See their findings at


Reduce Your Taxes (Nov. 2010)

With the end of the year approaching, here are some important tax and financial planning measure you can take to reduce your taxes and improve your financial position.


See the tips at

Let's Be Positive (Oct. 2010)

As some of you know, we started to be bullish on stocks in January 2009. The stock market had a great rally between March 2009 and April 2010 (up 80+%).

Some clients have asked us what do we think today. Like Buffet, Ballmer and Immelt, we are positive!


See why at

Humans cannot Analyze All the Information (Sep. 2010)

Human attention is limited and that we can’t analyze all the information we receive.

We tend to pick the information that we need to prove that our thinking is correct.

See the one minute video and more at

Videos on Financial Economics (Sep. 2010)

Many of you know that I like behavioral economics.

If you want to learn more about behavioral finance and the role of Psychology, see some useful videos here

Train Your Brain to Win (Aug. 2010)

When Playing the investing game, it’s easy to let your impulse make all the wrong moves. Learning to trick yourself can help.

Why do smart people do such stupid things with their money?

Find the answer at


Investors Cannot Think for Themselves (Jun. 2010)

From February through May, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained more than 1000 points in an almost uninterrupted daily march upward. Then came the "flash crash" of May 6 and day after day of losses through May. Now, in mid-June, the market has been up six of the past seven days.

What accounts for these sudden moves? Why do investors so often seem to resemble a school of fish, all changing direction together?

Find out the answers at


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