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Excess Return Volatility of Active Funds vs Smart Beta ETFs across International Equity Categories

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Where It All Started: Famous Garage Startups

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Past Performance is No Guarantee of Future Results

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Median Outperformance vs Median Underperformance for Actively Managed Funds

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Equity Funds That Underperformed Their Benchmarks During 2000-2002 and 2008 Bear Markets by Category

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Active Equity Managers Underperform Their Benchmarks Over Time

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Distribution of the Cumulative U.S. Equity Returns for the Last 20 Years

Distribution of the U.S. Equity Returns for the Last 20 Years is Positively Skewed.png

Active Fund Managers Rarely Outperform Their Benchmarks Consistently: % of Underperforming Managers Over Time by Asset Class

Outperformance Persistence of Fund Managers over Time is Insignificant

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Time Length Between Market Corrections Since 1945

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