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S&P 500 Index_ Forward P/E Ratio Since 1994

S&P 500 Index Forward PE Ratio Since 1994.png

Global Debt Imbalance Now Worse Than the Average of All Major Bubbles in the Last 30 Years

Global Debt Imbalance Now Worse Than the Average of All Major Bubbles in the Last 30 Years .png

Worst Quarterly Performance Since 1929

Worst Quarterly Performance Since 1929.png

Monthly Stock Market Declines Exceeding 8% Since 1969

Monthly Stock Market Declines Exceeding 8% Since 1969.png

Portfolio Returns_ Equities vs Equity and Fixed Income Blend Since 2007

Portfolio Returns Equities vs Equity and Fixed Income Blend Since 2007.png

Range of Stock, Bond and Blended Total Returns

Range of Stock Bond and Blended Total Returns.png

Asset Allocation Since 2004

Asset Allocation Since 2004.png

Global Earnings Since 2006 and Global Valuations 25-Year

Global earnings.png

MSCI All Country World ex-US and S&P 500 Indices Since 1997

MSCI All Country World ex US and S&P 500 Indices Since 1997.png

Duration and Yield of the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index Since 1990

Duration and Yield of the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index Since 1990.png

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